Sustainable apps can be of great help in your desired lifestyle. Nowadays, the cell phone is usually always with you. So we can simply use it to further advance our sustainable lifestyle. Today I’m going to introduce you to a selection of apps that can help you with this.
1. Codecheck
With the help of this app you can check the content products of your desired product with just one scan. Microplastics, hidden pollutants or questionable contents are displayed in a practical traffic light system so that you can immediately see at a glance how sustainable and healthy the product is in your hands. After installing the app, all you need to do is scan the product’s barcode and you’ll see the result. In addition to the information mentioned, the app also shows you the manufacturer, the origin and alternative products. Personally, I really enjoy using the app and think it shouldn’t be missing on any phone.

2. Ecosia
The search engine that plants trees. Already established as a search engine on the PC over the years, it is now also available as an app in the app store. The special thing about Ecosia is that 80% of the income is invested in planting trees. A small tree symbol in the app shows you how many trees you have already planted. Instead of feeding Google with the advertising revenue from your internet research, you can easily do something good with this app.

3. TooGoodToGo
Every day tons of leftover food ends up in the trash. TooGoodToGo has declared war on this waste of life. The app shows you restaurants and bakers in your area that still have goods left over. With just one click you can reserve goods and pick them up from the supplier at a certain time at a lower price. So you can save a lot of money and save food at the same time. The only downside to the app is that it is more practical in larger cities. In small towns or rural areas it can happen that you find no or very few offers.

4. Nabu Siegel-Check
In the whole certs jungle it is easy to lose track of what which cert actually means. Demeter, organic, fair trade? With a simple scan of the seal, you can get information about it so you know exactly which one to look out for.

5. Mamikreisel / Kleiderkreisel
Almost everyone has too many things in their closets. Especially as parents in the children’s closets, the little worms grow out of them so quickly. Two of the most popular platforms for selling these are mom and dress circles. Mamikreisel specializes primarily in children’s items, whereas Kleiderkreisel covers all the rest. The advantage of both portals is that things can easily be sold, but also bought, so that someone else can continue to use parts that are no longer required. So a lot of resources can be saved.

6. ebay Kleinanzeigen
In addition to the two sales portals mentioned above, ebay classifieds are also very well known for getting used items to men or women. Personally, I like to use eBay classifieds, because you can get great things at low prices or even for free.

7. Buycott
Each of your receipts is like a voting slip, demand determines supply. With Buycott you have the possibility to scan the barcode of the desired product and get information about the manufacturer behind it. You get information about the parent company, as well as about the criticism and the positive aspects of the manufacturer. Behind many brands there are hidden manufacturers such as Nestle and co. The Buycott app will help you avoid these products. You can also support various campaigns in the app.

8. RegioApp
This app helps you to shop regionally more easily. With a proximity search, the app shows you weekly markets, farm shops, restaurants and other shops in your area that offer regional products. You will also receive information about opening times, product ranges and organic seals.

9. Refill
Are you out and about and your refillable water bottle has just run out? Refill shows you water refill stations in your area. A number of businesses are now taking part in the campaign. With a sticker at the entrance you can easily see that you can refill your bottle with tap water at these places. The app helps you to find exactly these stores near you. The only disadvantage: there are very few stations across Germany. But just check whether your region is represented

10. Foodsharing
Every year around 12 million tons of food end up in the garbage in Germany. Food sharing tries to counteract this. Rescued groceries from supermarkets, bakeries or private are posted to this app so that people like you and me can pick them up and use them to save them from the trash. In the app you will also find the locations of fair dividers – boxebs or shelves that are regularly filled with saved food.

11. Goodhood
Goodhood is the ultimate neighborhood app. Regardless of whether help is offered or sought, items or leftover food – almost anything can be found in the app. When you register, you are assigned to a certain neighborhood region within which all the latest reports can be traced.

12. Climate compass
Climate Compass is a very helpful app to support a more sustainable life and to show you exactly in which areas you can optimize your CO2 consumption. Using a calculation of your ecological footprint divided into categories, you can see where it is already quite sustainable in your life and which areas of life can be optimized. Various challenges will help you to become more sustainable piece by piece and to reduce your CO2 consumption.

13. eevie – Your Climate Guide
Eevie is similar to the climate compass and takes you by the hand in a more sustainable lifestyle. With habit trackers you will become aware of where you are already living sustainably and which areas can still be optimized. You can also take part in community challenges, get helpful tips and information, and support various projects.

14. Replace Plastic
The app developed by the “Coast against Plastic” association helps you tell companies that you would like to have different packaging for products. Far too many products are wrapped in plastic these days. But this ab gives us consumers a voice. The desired product, for which more sustainable packaging is desired, is simply scanned using the app (barcode). The collected reports of a product are then sent by the association to the manufacturer in order to induce them to rethink and change the packaging.

And which apps have you already tried out? Or are there others that you swear by?